The highest results and biggest improvement can be achieved only by successful cooperation. Thereby, design products are created in the common work of architects, engineers and producers.
Company has the experience in the implementation of the common projects with Latvian architects and designers - Ivars Šļivks, Andris Vītols, Guntars Jansons, and Anita Grase.
Closer cooperation is established with the company „Akvedukts“, SIA operating with water supply, heating and garden product wholesale.
International projects have been accomplished together with Irish company „Douglas Wallace“and Swedish company „Guise“. As the result of both projects metal painting „Jugent“ or „Art Novea“ and modern decor „Heksagons“ have been created.
Designer is the member of Latvian Designers’ Society and Artists’ Union of Latvia and maintains close relationships with both of these organizations.