Actually, any waterfall or cascade is a water flow that is falling from one water basin in another. The only difference of waterfalls and cascades in hidden in the fact that the waterfall is vertical but in a cascade is going "step-by-step" from one horizontal line to another.
Natural waterfalls and cascades are unique presents to the civilization of the Earth. Many of them surprise with the range and unusual shapes.
In the fast rhythm of the modern life it is not always possible to find time for a trip to the world famous waterfalls or to visit a river with natural, rapid flow and cascades created by natural forces. We rephrased the famous saying “If you can't bring Mohammad to the mountain bring the mountain to Mohammad” to help the nature to meet with the always busy people of the 21st century, and artificial cascades and waterfalls created by Platpirs are brought to you! We offer to use this type of fountains for private and public interiors, winter gardens and yards.
Exterior waterfalls and cascades

Construction of waterfalls envisages usage of various materials. For our fountains we use stainless steel, natural stone, glass and wood. Water is one of the most widely available substances in the nature - it is wonderful in a combination with almost any material. Waterfall or a cascade that falls in ta decorative pond or a basin becomes of a beautiful decoration of the private estate landscape.
Decorative waterfalls and cascades imitate natural environment when water is falling down from heights or is running down going from one horizontal plane to another. This landscape – soft and smooth water flow movements – calm down your nerve system and let’s your eyes to rest. When watching how water spurts or drops are falling down you achieve inner feeling of comfort and balance - similar feelings takes over the people when they see a brook or a small river in a forest.
Interior waterfalls and cascades.

Decorative interior fountain – great possibility to give the room bright accent and nobleness, to highlight the excellent taste of the house or office owner. Thanks to the development of modern technologies now it is possible to create decorative waterfalls also in limited conditions of the room. When making such fountains light and durable structures, secure water supply and water draining systems are used. Wide range of materials is available: from plastic and other polymer materials to natural stone and wood. Water flow in such waterfalls or cascades also may be different – it can fall as “single water film” or flow slowly in separate flows. If the cascade or waterfall is planned for the winter garden or orangery then the flowing water may flow in the artificially made pond. If area is more limted then instead of the pond you may use great variety of vessels and bowls. You may choose stone bowl with suitable water plants that together with the fountain will create the image that is close to the one made by the nature.