People and water.


Modern life rhythm makes the people to be continuously in the stress condition – physically and emotionally. Thereby, we may come across the necessity to compensate the consequences of the stress. Each of us has a different way to do it but probably nobody will question the fact that water is the source of health and energy for people. Water murmuring makes our mind calm and balanced, but to our heart it gives enjoyment and pleasure. Since ancient times people have noticed the beneficial impact of water on the human body and due to this reason lakes and springs have been the integral part of the paradise in all religions of the world.


Fountains usually are the point where people gather and meet – falling flow of the water gives you the atmosphere of joy and peace making all the negative feelings go away. Even offences of the public order in the territories surrounding the fountains happen less often than in other places! Thereby the murmuring miracle completely justifies the investments made in it giving the beauty to the environment, joy and health to the people.

Fountain is the source of the health: small water particles clean the air from dust more than 10 meters around them, ionizes the air, water murmur and game of light lets you to forget about the routine worries and put them aside. Thereby, fountains have become as the business cards of cities, recreation complexes and hotels.

History of fountains


Already in the beginning of the civilization masters tried to give a beautiful frame to the water in stone or create unique texture from the water spurts with their artistic abilities. Ancient Egyptian, Inca, Greek and Roman decorative fountains and pools can be regarded as the prototypes of modern fountains and pools. In ancient times the fountains were made as private or publicly available source of the drinking water.


Later, the combination of greenery, fountain water flow and sculptures allowed creating of one-of-a-kind artistic solutions in architecture. Like with a wink of a magic wand the fountain transforms a park,  a town square or a home garden! Flowing water game revives any architectonic composition.

Beautiful fountain does not require a lot of space as a rule. It is possible to build a fountain in the interior in a shape of a waterfall that is falling down along the glass/mirror or granite plate.