Floating pond fountain

(Jēkabpils, Dzirnavu pond)


Short description: It is third and biggest fountain in the city.

Gushes: highest gush is 7,5 m high. 

Pumps: fountain works on three PRIOX pumps.

Lightning: during night time it is illuminated by 12 lights - 9 white, 2 green and 1 blue color.

Floating pond fountain "Luīze Šarlote"

(Ventspils, Vidumgrāvis)


Short description: we created this fountain, using fountain technologies from German company OASE.

Gushes: whole look of the fountain is made up by 19 gush nozzles and 2 pumps, which run them (total power of both pumps - 8kW). Central gush is 3-5 m high.

Pumps: Fountain is run by two Grundfos borehole pumps SP 46-3-C, with summary power 8kW. Each pump has cooling sleeve, which provides effective flow around engine, when it is placed in horizontal position. Each pump also has protection system MP204, which allows to perform full monitoring of electrical parameters, and in case, if some of parameters deflects from standards, this system automatically unplugs pump from voltage. For example, if pump after some time is covered up with mud from lake/pond waters, it lucks necessary flow around its engine, what can cause overheat.

Floating fountain "Fridrihs Kazimirs"

(Ventspils, pond in Reņķa garden)


Short description: We created this fountain, using fountain technologies from German company OASE. Fountain is placed on the raft. It is run by three powerful pumps and has 13 separate gushes. Gushes work not only accordingly to the program, which runs the fountain. Its work depends on wind speed - during high wind, central gush becomes lower. 

Gushes: The height of central gush is 14 metres, 3 gushes in the perimeter are 5 metres high, and 9 "background" gushes are 2.5 metres high.

Pumps: Summary power of three pumps is 26,5 kW. Simultaneously circulating water amount is 3000 l/min (180m3/h).

Name: Fountain, which was placed in Vidumgravis, got the name "Luīze Šarlote" in honour of duke's Jacob wife. To carry on this tradition the fountain in garden pond was named in honour of the son of Luīze Šarlote and duke Jacob - Fridrihs Kazimirs.

Floating pond fountain

(Vārme rural municipality, Kuldīga region)



Short description: Fountain is located in "Aizupītes" pleasure-ground pond. Both - the park and the  fountain - were made in 2011, as the part of EU project "Fundamental services for economics and inhabitants".

Pump: USP Classic 70 Pond Jet.

Lights: three Lunaqua 10 projectors.